We are here to help, and are attentive to your needs. Print out this form, put a check mark next to the statements that concern you or describe how you feel. Please share this or any other information with your dental team. We will help you.
I gag easily
I feel out of control when I am lying down in the dental chair
I have not been to the dentist for a long time and I feel uncomfortable about what will say or think about my teeth and my dental hygiene
I know I have bad habits that are causing harm to my dental health. I am afraid I might not be able to break them
Pain relief is a top priority to me
I don’t like shots, or I’ve had a bad reaction to shots
Please tell me what I need to know about my mouth so I can make an informed decision
My teeth are very sensitive
I don’t like the sound of that tool that makes the picking and scraping noise
I don’t like cotton in my mouth
I hate the noise of the drill
Please respect my time. I don’t want to be left sitting in the reception area
I want to know the cost up front. No money surprises, please
I have difficulty listening and remembering what I hear while sitting in the dental chair
I have health problems and questions that we need to discuss
I don’t like being left alone in the treatment area.
Other (Describe)_______________________________

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